Ellie Collins writes diverse narratives that provoke a multi-disciplinary practice.

Photo courtesy of Joana Cifre Cerdà
‘As an infant mouths a favoured toy, so a commuter absentmindedly fiddles with a coat buckle. A youth invisibly probes teeth with tongue. Meanwhile a tourist bunches and stretches sandalled toes.
The desire to touch and be touched in small ways by our environment and the sensory gratification and transference of information derived from our embodiment is the basis for my research.
Using a sensual framework I reject a dualism of body and mind. I suggest that contrary to being merely a catalyst for refined intellectual rationale; pre-reflective sensory activity could be the plenitude of sophisticated inquiry.‘
Whilst seemingly equable on the surface, there are subversive undertones in the work exploring issues including disempowerment, inequality and the fragile nature of communication.
Immersive spaces, discursive and poetic interaction and brief haptic encounters propose reciprocal action through subjective curiosity, as individual and art permutate during a phenomenal exchange.
2010-11 MA Fine Art (distinction): Camberwell College of Arts
2021 GCDF grant from North East Lincolnshire Council
2005 & 2007 ACE Grants for the Arts: “Research and Development”
Since 2010 Ongoing reciprocal research and reflection with Tracey Payne
2022-23 Trials and Tribulations, with Joana Cifre Cerdà, Lincolnshire
2017-19 …blip – a space for art. Collaboration with Marc Renshaw, Grimsby
2015 B.mentored / B.talking. Beacon Art project LN5 0HW
2011 5th International Tropical Lab: Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore
Joya Residency: Cortijada Los Gazquez, Andalucia Spain
On the Hoof: for Jessica Voorsanger: Peckham Space, London
Curatorial Projects: Gasworks and Beaconsfield, London
Sculptural Drawing: A Collaborative Endeavour: The Woodmill, London
2010 Journey by Choice: Creative Partnership: Ganton School, Hull
2007 AA2A Residency, HSAD: Hull
House of Art International Colony: Kicevo, Macedonia
Paint a Future International Artist’s Symposium: Florianopolis, Brazil
2006 No Boundaries International Artist’s Colony: Baldhead Island, NC USA
2022 may show: x-church, Gainsborough
2021 Step 5, 32 Artists: x-church, Gainsborough
2018 Sweepings: Solo site specific installation: The Art House, Wakefield
2018 Shape Open: The Art Pavillion, Mile End, London
2015 Art of the Lived Experiment: UICA, Grand Rapids, Michigan USA
2014 Art of the Lived Experiment: the Bluecoat, Liverpool
2013 Shape Open: The Nunnery, London (touring)
Curiosity Acquired: 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, Scunthorpe
2011 Flash in the Pan: Beaconsfield, London
10 Gales Prize: Bethnal Green, London
The Treacle Group Presents: Shop Jesus Lane, Cambridge
Curatorial Workshop: Gasworks, London
2010 No Boundaries Retrospective: UNCW Wilmington, North Carolina USA
Slipped Halo, Solo Exhibition: Ropewalk Gallery, Barton upon Humber
2008 Solo, New Works on paper: Gallery Amsterdam
2007 No Boundaries Collection: Sawtooth Gallery, Winston, Salem. USA
Foreshore, Patriothall Gallery: Edinburgh
Alamance County Arts Council: Graham NC. USA
House of Art Collection: Kicevo, Macedonia
Paint a Future Exposition: Galeria Multipla de Arte, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2006 No Boundaries: ACME Studios, Wilmington NC USA